Field Request Form Fields marked with an * are required Please use this form for request a field for EFSC Fields . This form should only be used during the regular season. For requests before the start of the season, please work with your program lead. Please include game # information and any other details in the comments section Name * * Phone # * Email Address * For what team are you requesting the field change? Include team name/age group/division and OPPONENT TEAM NAME * What field are you requesting to use? * Please Choose Something 370 371 372 373 374 Micro field U8 Field John Jay Turf Wiccopee What do you need the field for? * Please Choose Something Makeup Game Scrimmage HVYSL/EH League Game NYCSL/EDP League Game EDP League Game Practice Tryout State Cup Age Group for Game or Practice requesting * U7 and Younger U8 U9 U10 U11 U12 U13 U14 U15 U16 U17 U18 U19 NA I have reviewed the field schedule on the EFSC website and can confirm the field is available * For games ONLY, please enter a specific date and time request here. Example: Saturday, 12 Sep @ 4pm Game # (Travel Games Only) Non Games enter 000 This is what I need to submit to HVYSL in the Below Section for Travel Game Changes. Game Number Original Game DateRequesting Coach NameRequesting Coach EmailTeam NameDivisionOpposing TeamOpposing Coach NameReason for Game ChangeReschedule DateReschedule TimeReschedule Location Additional Info or Comments * HVYSL/EH Travel Teams please provide Additional Details. If you do not update the game information your request will be denied! All other can just add Comments. HVYSL/EH Travel Teams please provide Additional Details. If you do not update the game information your request will be denied! All other can just add Comments. If you are a human seeing this field, please leave it empty. Share with friends: